Past Repasts


10 - A Little 'Monkey Business'
16 - Analyzing Old Writings

  2 - Chimaera
10 - Line Drawing - Queen of Tarts
11 - Colorful Queen of Tarts
21 - In Deep Thought
22 A - Webcam Snaps
22 B - Yesteryear Snaps
28 - Dubious Victory

  7 A - With a Grain of Salt
  7 B - With a Grain of Salt - Color Version  
16 - A Couple Synchronicities
18 - Stepping Up
26 - The Pleasure of Beauty
28 - Fragrant Mystery Solved
30 - Cute Monkey Jar

  1 - Orchid - "Best of Class"
  2 - More Lovely Flowers
  5 - Feeling the Glum
  6 - Feeling the Quake
  7 - One More Orchid
10 - While Looking for That, I Found This ...  
17 - Art Beat 3
22 - Early Earth Day Thoughts
25 - Line Drawing of Isis
27 - Beautiful Ewer at Lacma

  2 - It's Where She's Going
  4 - It's Where She's Going (with Border)
15 - Morning Park Walk
18 - Thoth as a Baboon with Wadjet Eye

  4 - Sitting Peacefully
  5 A - A Gem of a Truth
  5 B - Sketch of Christopher Hitchens
  8 - Quote - The Need for Resilence
22 - Sketch of Katherine Gray
24 A - Nighttime Surging of Hope
24 B - Colorful Nighttime Surging of Hope

  2 - Hopeful
  4 - Hopeful II
21 - Drawing of Alexander Calder
28 - Middle of the Night Wakefulness Before a Trip
29 A - I Have Only Seen a Tiny Bit! (Part One)
29 B - I Have Only Seen a Tiny Bit! (Part Two)
29 C - Gorgeous!
30 A - Early Morning Drawing
30 B - Some Sad News to Report

  1 - Memorable Treasures at Oriental Museum  
  2 A - Middle of the Night Drawing
  2 B - Satisfied (Part One)
  2 B - Satisfied (Part Two)
  2 C - A Drawing Because I Can't Sleep, Even Though Weary  
  3 A - Exuberant and Playful
  3 B - As Ready As I Can Be
  4 - Happy Thoughts of Homecoming
  8 A - It's Your Turn!
  8 B - The Reunion - Oil!
13 - Julia and I - Sixteen Years!
31 - Intuitive Drawing: Waiting to Hear

  3 B - Shiva and his Ring O'Fire
11 - Proverb (Friday Illo)
12 - An Artful Day
13 - Peaceful Sunday Afternoon
14 - More Art
17 - Beautiful 'Shiny Things'
20 - Striding Lions from the Past   

  1 - Return to Classical Beauty
  6 - Return Further in Time to Classical Beauty   
  8 - Exquisite Details   
16 A - Marvelous Musician   
17 - Clearly Having Fun
19 - Pazuzu for President
28 - Dancer and Gazelles
29 - Waking Up to Smell the Coffee
30 - Twisty Turny Who

  2 - The Serpent Sata
  7 - Old Time Rock and Roll
10 - Take Time to Smell the Flowers
21 - Enjoying the Weekend
24 - Spirit as Balloon...
28 - Leaping Rabbit
30 - Non-Leaping Ribbit

  2 - Lily Pad Logic
  4 A - Chatty Birdies
  4 B - Colorful Chatty Birdies
26 - Fun on Christmas Day  

© Joan Ann Lansberry
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