Shrinario Play
December 21, 2023

Earlier, Julia coined the word for these scenarios. Such shrines only exist in digital space (except for the brief period in which they were assembled and photographed), so she calls them "shrinarios":

Once again experimenting with limited scenarios, I feature Ptah's and Nit's statues.
This time, medallions of Hathor and Set accompany them, ((Hathor's minted in 2017 and Set's sculpted by me in 2018)
The statue of Ma'at I've had for twenty years is at the center.

This was the first shrinario experiment. I next tried other variations:

I tried a smaller base for Ptah and Nit, and exchanged the Ma'at statue to the reproduction from the Louvre and added in the JBL statue of Sekhmet (which, like the earlier statue of Ma'at, is also around twenty years old).

On the third experiment, I returned the medallions of Set and Hathor, adding in more of their crystals.

Of this year's shrinarios, I like the first one the best, as it is the most balanced....

(I had my first experiment with shrinarios back in 2021.)

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© Joan Ann Lansberry: