Resting and Rising
May 24, 2018

(This topic is inspired by the Kemetic Bloghop question:
How do you work your beliefs into your everyday life?

Beside the waters of Nun,
Great Wepwawet, you lead me.
You lead me to breathe deeply of its salty, cleansing air.
With each breath,
I am cleansed, I am renewed.
I rest here.
Djehuty, you have prepared the seat for me to rest,
here in your sacred realms.
I count my blessings,
and realize my wealth.
The wealth of my spirit surpasses that which tarnishes.
Thanks be to Set,
who shows me my strength when I am weak.
Thanks be to Hathor,
who opens my eyes to see beauty.
I feel holy Embrace.
I love the many Names of Netjer,
who all bid me rest and take in their blessings.
I can face the day and its challenges when I am so blessed.
I will walk with Ma'at,
I will serve her Cause.
To the true and just and fair,
to aim for peace and poise,
This is my goal.
May my words and deeds be worthy.
Now is the moment of beginning.
I rise, ready to act.

------Joan Ann Lansberry, May 24, 2018
------"Senuwierneheh", "My Two, Forever"

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