Sunday, September 25, 2016
"Cackle Fruit"

These "cackle fruit" were waiting to be put into tapioca pudding...
I found the pattern of 'sweat' on them amusing. (I thought the term "cackle fruit" was invented by the "Three Stooges", but it is older, a pirate term for standard CHICKEN EGGS.)

Saturday, October 15, 2016 A
"Morning Breakfast"

The Photo Friday theme of "Morning" had me consider today's breakfast. Not seen but consumed before the photo was a glass of the drink we call "Kapel", Kefir mixed half and half with apple cider. The photo, unlike last month's "eggy" photo lacks the effect of sunlight because we ate breakfast when it was still dark.

Which photo better conveys "morning"? The one with the sunlight streaming in through our eastern dining room window or the one with a conventional breakfast, but electric light?

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