Chapel of Satinteti
Chapel of Satinteti
Egypt (Saqqara, near pyramid of King Teti, Old Kingdom, Dynasty 6, 2323-2150 B.C.E.
Limestone, Height: 118.1 cm (46 1/2 in.)
Gift of Service des Antiquités d'Égypte 1924, MFA #24.593a-c
Photo © Joan Ann Lansberry

"The three sides of this offering chapel, from the tomb of a woman named Satinteti, include smaller-scale versions of all the essential features of a typical Old Kingdom funerary chapel. A false door fills the back wall. In the upper panel, Satinteti sits smelling a lotus blossom, a symbol of rebirth. The architraves and triple jambs bear offering prayers, while standing figures of Satinteti occupy the outermost two sets of jambs.

On the right side panel, Satinteti sits at a table filled with offerings, above which is a list of 97 items she requires for eternity. In the register below, a reluctant bull is being led to slaughter; the hieroglyphic caption reads, 'Control him. He is a sturdy bull!' Below, women bring offerings of birds and animals for the deceased. The top of the left panel is missing and the scenes below remain unfinished, but what remains suggest that the decoration included a scene of the butchers at work on the slaughtered cattle." (From info card)