If I Open my Arms

Colored pencil and sharpie pen on 11x14in bristol board...

Before coloring, I made a a digital test.

Comparing it to the original, the colors of the initial scan were all off, some too red, some not red, or green enough...
© Joan Ann Lansberry, May 2014

I've been reading _The Sungod's Journey through the Netherworld_, by Andreas Schweizer. Schweizer writes about the "solar baboons", and how baboons in Africa were observed "raising their arms at the first sunbeams, as though they wanted to greet and praise the rejuvenated sun." (page 39) and how in spell 99 of the Book of the Dead, the sunrise is referred to as "the redness" (page 44). This might have inspired my intuitive efforts here.

If I am the vessel that sees the light,
if I open my arms wide to receive,
if I am not standing alone with no hope,
then radiance permeates me
and radiates through me,
gaining hue and amplitude.
If I come to this meeting,
all I have to do is come.

Joan Ann Lansberry, 5-18-14

(If you are 'standing alone with no hope', then find your voice, cry out and perhaps you will find yourself not alone.)