This is how I remember Grandpa.

My grandfather on my Dad's side loved birds. He lured them to his yard with a bird bath and a bird feeder. He had binoculars and Audubon's Field Guide to Birds. He kept track of when he saw a special kind of bird. A plastic holder that was attached to the kitchen wall recorded his sightings. Even though he died in 1969, Gramma never did take it off the wall, as long as she lived in the house. He and Gramma both loved flowers. Around that birdbath, red geraniums were planted. There were also fragrant lilac bushes, brown eyed susans (a yellow petaled flower with brown centers), tulips, and orange-red flowers I don't know the name of. My Dad also loved flowers, all kinds, but in particular, roses. He had planted several rose bushes in his and Gramma's yards. They were in all colors of the rose rainbow, and smelled intensely, yet delicately sweet.

This is NOT how I remember Grandpa.
Gramma was so glad when he got "born again" that he gave up the smelly cigars!