Medallions Have Made it Home!
November 16, 2021

Photo the foundry sent around the end of October!
(Six of them have already been claimed.)
Note of November 3, 2022: Only the three dark Nebthets and one golden Nit remain!

All four types....

I didn't waste time finding shrine spots....

Nebthet let me know early on where her medallion was to go....
(Set peeks in, statue by Lena Toritch)

It took a while for all of Nit's pieces to arrive, the base, the print behind (by Stuart Littlejohn), and the scarab necklace to be made.
Sneaky Wepwawet peeking in

Another of Nit's medallions, I particularly like the way her necklace eases the transition from neck to collar.

I have more info about these medallions here, and also, a a concise pdf about their creation.

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© Joan Ann Lansberry: