Thursday, March 12, 2020
Colorful Head of Bes

The last time I attempted a drawing of Bes was back in 2016. I felt moved to do one again. Back then I shared an excerpt from an informative page, where I learned that Bes is:

"an intimate protector throughout life, warding off demons of disease and venomous animals. He is also a God of music, of dancing and of good cheer, especially in association with the Goddess Hathor and her son Ihy. Hathor’s temple at Dendara hosted an annual festival for Bes, and reliefs depict him playing music and dancing for Hathor, having accompanied her on her return from Ta-Sety (a term for Nubia or for a mythical place to the south of Egypt). Bes has the role, in particular, of appeasing Hathor in her wrathful aspect." (Source: Henadology)

During these scary days of the coronavirus, we need whatever warding off of the demons of disease that we can get. Even though my sketch inspiration was much broken, I found a way to augment it by flipping it over horizontally:

The model is at Kingston Lacy in Dorset, UK, photographed by Rosalind Park

Line drawing, printable and colorable under this link

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