Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Ren Fest"

We left around noon for the Two Rivers Renaissance Festival. When we left, it was still cold, but I had an idea I should leave my thick vest in the car. It was a good idea, for the afternoon warmed up rapidly. A park-n-ride cart took us up to the festival. It's a lot bigger than last years, by double, I heard one vendor say. Everyone was so gracious and courteous as we examined their wares.

We saw this tea and spice stand at the beginning, and planned to return before we left. We made two rounds of the grounds before we found it again!

But we did, and bought some 'tropicana' tea, which I'm drinking now, aided by some honey to bring out the flavor.

We also sampled some of the food at the fair, the sweet potato fries were absolutely delicious, and did a good job of reviving me.

We saw mirrors, and could not resist:

Yes, I'm sporting something new on my chest:

It's a smaller version of the one that's hanging on our wall

There were lots of musicians, quite a few which I photographed. There was a hammered dulcimer player, possibly the one from last year, but now he's got CDs and a brochure and I'll share that photo later. For now, here's the Chuckwalla Rhythm Kings:

This local group sings and plays with gusto. We got their CD, which features many Celtic favorites such as "The King of Ballyhooley" and "Both Sides the Tweed". In case you're curious about the deco to our left of the stage, it is Pan!

The next is a drawing of two musicians seated on a bench in front of a huge sign that said "The American Renaissance Guilds and Empire"

I hope to share more pictures and drawings of musicians later, but I'll end with this neat reflective 'lake' view, with tents beyond:

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