Our Daily Cup

In all seasons of the year, regularly repeated, usually without interruption, we must have our DAILY CUP!
© Joan Ann Lansberry, July 2011

The original, sharpie pen on printer paper, all further process is digital.

The initial drawing was a quick intuitive drawing. It occurred to me, I could make it fit the Friday Illo theme of Perennial:

Definition of PERENNIAL (via M-W.com)
1: present at all seasons of the year
2: persisting for several years usually with new herbaceous growth from a perennating part (perennial asters)
3a : persistent, enduring (perennial favorites)
3b : continuing without interruption : constant, perpetual (the perennial quest for certainty>
3c : regularly repeated or renewed : recurrent (death is a perennial literary theme)

In all seasons of the year, regularly repeated, usually without interruption, we must have our DAILY CUP!
(Whether it's coffee, tea or water, we guzzle constantly!)